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  • Writer's pictureWilliam Werkmeister

Edge AI at the Point of Care – Reducing Costs and Improving Outcomes

Imagine passive wireless monitoring of patient vital signs and conditions - no wires, no electrodes, no other leads. A bed that can accurately detect vital signs and health variability of a patient through clothing, without skin contact – like Dr. McCoy’s sick bay bed in Star Trek. Over several years, Hoana Medical perfected a powerful AI digital health technology designed to deliver Intelligent Medical Vigilance in real-time at the point of care, while driving data to the CLOUD for further utilization.

The original LifeBed™, used by over 100,000 medical-surgical ward, acute-care hospital patients, has delivered over 4,000 life-changing interventions. The new version, LifeBed II™ delivers the same performance, but at a 90% reduced cost. The AI backbone was constructed from an extensive library of acute-care hospital patients, derived from over 225,000 hours of IRB-controlled, HIPA compliant clinical research data. This robust AI has been rigorously demonstrated in 34 acute care hospital, medical-surgical wards, with over 10 million hours of continuous operation.

Hoana imagined and delivered an invisible, passive wireless patient vital sign monitoring system - utilizing a coverlet with embedded sensing polymers that simply zips over any mattress. The system can then accurately detect the health variability of a patient who simply lays or sits on the bed -- through clothing and/or bed linen, without skin contact.

Hoana’s coverlet with embedded sensors simply zips over any mattress,

transforming any bed into a LifeBed™

Better Outcomes at a Reduced Cost

The LifeBed™ is “edge AI at the point of care” that affordably delivers patient safety. The powerful AI and sensor package embedded in a simple coverlet has been proven to reduce adverse events, falls with injury, and hospital lengths of stay. It improves outcomes while optimizing workloads on staff – and combined with CLOUD-based AI, can bring intelligent predictive and preventative measures to healthcare.

The economic value proposition of the LifeBed™ in an acute-care hospital, over 2 years.

Clinical patient data illustrating that early intervention reduces costs and improves outcomes.

Detailed deconvolving of clinical patient data – patient in distress,

then expires without intervention.

The original technology was developed by Oceanit, a Mind-to-Market company, in collaboration with the US Army to triage and transport wounded soldiers off the battlefield, successfully demonstrating emergency transport in military Medivac helicopters, without any connection to the solider or removing any of the soldiers’ protective gear. Given that the Medivac had extreme noise and vibration, the demonstration was a testament to the power of digital signal processing. Hoana spun-out of Oceanit to focus on bringing this disruptive lifesaving technology to market. After raising over $50mm in private equity, the first product offering, the LifeBed™ was optimized for the hospital and other healthcare environments.

Hoana Medical received several FDA approvals for the LifeBed™ system and variants for other parts of the hospital to enable remote and wireless operation in the acute-care hospital environment. The next-generation version has a cost of goods sold (COGS) close to $100 and will aim at improving healthcare in home and long-term care environments. This low-cost version enables flexible sales and service options that can deliver critical safety to aging populations.

Hoana Medical is exploring strategic partnerships to fully realize this unique opportunity – to invisibly impact lives, improving care with affordable technology. The powerful edge AI will can provide real-time and continuous check-ups, identify health concerns in advance of symptoms, ultimately reducing preventable death and injury.

Discovery Channel, Beyond Tomorrow video clip:

Contact: James Andrews

T: 808.531.3017

828 Fort Street Mall, Suite 600

Honolulu, HI 96813. USA.

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